Political Advocacy

Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC)

Vermont Credit Union Political Action Committee (Vermont CUPAC)

Learn more about credit union political advocacy at the federal level by visiting CULAC at http://www.cuna.org/culac/.

Vermont CUPAC is a state-level political fundraising entity for Vermont credit unions. Individual donations are used to make campaign contributions to candidates for state-level office who are supportive of credit union interests. The combination of Vermont’s campaign finance law and federal laws place certain limits on contributions made to Vermont CUPAC:

  • Any individual may contribute up to $2,000 to CUPAC in any one election cycle (this does not preclude separate contributions directly to candidates);
  • State credit unions may make corporate contributions to CUPAC not to exceed $2,000 per election cycle, but contributions over $100 are subject to a 35% federal tax reported on IRS Form 1120 POL;
  • Federal credit unions may not contribute to any campaign or political action committee;
  • All credit unions may provide financial support for the administration of CUPAC without any tax. Administrative support can be used to cover expenses for a fundraiser, pay for printed materials, etc. Such funds never go to support any candidate;
  • Vermont CUPAC funds are separate from the Association of Vermont Credit Unions, and stringent reporting requirements to the Vermont Secretary of State are followed, including reporting the name and mailing address of all contributors, regardless of the amount.
Political Advocacy Honor Roll (through 12/31/24)
Those listed below are demonstrating their commitment to the preservation of credit union uniqueness through financial contributions
to political action (CULAC & VT CUPAC).
They will be recognized for their support
at the 2024 Association Annual Meeting.

 Presidential Tier - $1,001 and above

Allen, Carrie

Association of Vermont Credit Unions

Bergeron, Joe & Paulette

Association of Vermont Credit Unions

Giard, Jean

Vermont FCU

Ambassadorial Tier - $501 to $1,000

Davidson, Christine

Association of Vermont Credit Unions

Dwyer, John

New England FCU

Fisher, Doug

Vermont FCU

Senatorial Tier - $251 to $500

Finnigan, Joseph

Vermont FCU

Fullerton, Michelle

Association of Vermont Credit Unions

Gammell, Karen

NorthCountry FCU

Gammon, Sean

802 Credit Union

Hughes, Brian

Holy Rosary Credit Union

Leonard, Susan

EastRise CU

Miller, Robert

EastRise CU

Congressional Tier - $101 to $250

Benoit, Stacey

802 Credit Union

Cantor, Luanne

NorthCountry FCU

Cobb, Nathaniel

One Credit Union

Devereaux, Kathy

NorthCountry FCU

Elko, Linn

Northeast Schools & Hospital CU

Flewelling, Gwen

Heritage Family Credit Union

Gallerani, Nicholas

Vermont FCU

Grimes, Ethan

802 Credit Union

Huyer, Lisa

NorthCountry FCU

Jacobson, Harry

Vermont FCU

Morgan, Robert

NorthCountry FCU

Phelps, Debra

Vermont FCU

Poon, Ming

NorthCountry FCU

Robert, Mary

Association of Vermont Credit Unions

Robinson, Doug

Vermont FCU

Sirois, Evelyn

Members 1st CU

Smith, Brett

One Credit Union

Gubernatorial Tier - $51 to $100

Bell, Shawna

NorthCountry FCU

Daniska, Tim

Vermont FCU

Delano, Charlyn


Furman, Sarah

Heritage Family Credit Union

Keighley, Ryan

NorthCountry FCU

Lagerstedt, Kathryn

NorthCountry FCU

Longfellow, Julie

NorthCountry FCU

Selectboard Tier - $1 to $50

Addison, Richard

Heritage Family FCU

Adorisio, James

NorthCountry FCU

Allen, Shauna

EastRise CU

Alterie, Yvonne

SeaComm FCU

Ayers, Celina

802 Credit Union

Boudreau, Kate

802 Credit Union

Brooks, Lynn

NorthCountry FCU

Buglion-Gluck, Luke

EastRise CU

Burgess, Karen

NorthCountry FCU

Butler, Randy

One Credit Union

Canty, Heather

Opportunities CU

Carrier, Kim

802 Credit Union

Chant, Ariel

NorthCountry FCU

Diette, Teresa

NorthCountry FCU

Donaghy, Erica

NorthCountry FCU

Duncan, Lori

EastRise CU

Fortier, Jill

802 Credit Union

Hanson, Andrew

One Credit Union

Husk, Brigitte

NorthCountry FCU

Jackson, Bryce


Kesselring, Nicole

Heritage Family Credit Union

LaBounty, Melissa

802 Credit Union

Ladner, Reem

NorthCountry FCU

Laskowski, Brittany

NorthCountry FCU

Lewellyn, Leandra

802 Credit Union

Loso, Kevin

Heritage Family Credit Union

Malroux, Jennifer

Association of Vermont Credit Unions

Maltman, Cody

NorthCountry FCU

Marshall, Sarah

Vermont FCU

McEwen, Mary

NorthCountry FCU

Mobus, Jeff

802 Credit Union

Munger, Katye

Heritage Family FCU

Nowinski, Denise


Selectboard Tier - $1 to $50 Cont'd

Poulin, Ryan

New Dimensions FCU

Putnam, Deanetta

Vermont FCU

Ramos, Edgar


Rosenbeck, Amanda

802 Credit Union

Richardson, Jaime

802 Credit Union

Rosenbeck, Amanda

802 Credit Union

Stone-Humphrey, Caitlyn

One Credit Union

The names listed on this Honor Roll are recognized for contributions made from January 1, 2024, to the “through” date shown above. A new recognition period begins on January 1st each year. The tiers associated with the names of Honor Roll members only include the current amounts received or reported.

To ensure you are placed within the correct tier, please report all personal contributions to CULAC and Vermont CUPAC to WiL Mobus by email, call your information into 802-861-7033, or fax your information to 802-864-4391. The Honor Roll is updated regularly as contributions merit. If you would like to know your actual dollar amount needed to advance to the next tier, or if you believe the tier you have been placed in is incorrect, please contact John.